- 5 week remote engagement to take on a challenge
- 4 weekly, remote, custom-designed and facilitated team sessions
- All project materials and exercise templates sent in advance
- Assist in interviews and formation of focused set of insight documents
- Leader assisted communications including talking points for team and leader engagement (Swipe File)
- Weekly 30 minute "Status Update" conversation with project sponsor
- Outcome: At least one insight-driven solution to test and an increased team innovation competency
- Optional: On-Site Facilitation Day
Sample Frameworks
- Creative Problem Solving, Theory U, Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Business Model Canvas, Jobs-To-Be-Done, Immunity-to-Change
Learn more about what Sidekicks deliver working with you and your team in a facilitated project or sprint below.

The Sidekick Sprint Guide
The fastest way to bring your team together, is to get them to solve a challenge together. Help your team build solutions and product concepts faster with the same Sidekick Sprint model we use with our clients. Get the Full-Guide.

When you create the right set of circumstances in your brain and the right set of circumstances in your environment, then creativity and change aren’t just possible…
they are probable.
When your team learns how to do this for themselves…an engaged, collaborative culture emerges…where solutions get adopted more frequently.
94% of executives are not satisfied with their innovation performance. Perhaps you are…but if you’re not…
It’s a physiological and psychological shift to move past old ways of working in order to create change.
Einstein said, “No problem can be solved with the same level of consciousness that created it.” And he was right.
What you feel has a bigger impact on what you do than thinking does. So, to achieve better results, you don’t just have to change your mindset, you also have to change the way you feel.
Forget brainstorming, research shows it doesn't work anyway. It’s hard to know what frameworks to use. It’s hard to know how long and how often your team should meet, and how to conduct research that leads to insights and ideas.
No matter what challenge you want to solve, nothing works until your team has a way to work together.
But if it doesn’t fit within their schedule they won’t commit.
75% of executives don’t feel they are utilizing their creative potential to solve challenges.
The right facilitated process gets you involved and makes your team more effective so you feel less-overburdened.
When you show your team the skills to shift to peak work states for themselves, they solve more challenges faster...on their own.
This model is kind of like when you did extracurricular activities like sports or arts in school. The desire to participate made you more effective at your other school work.
The more reps you get, the more business wins and long-term culture wins you accumulate. So, you want to…start right, and start below.